Join us

Meet at Lert where your passion blend with profession

How to Apply:

Please send your resume and CV to our Human Resource Management Department (Recruitment) to:

Address :

If you have enough inspiration and motivation, welcome on board!

Our team is growing rapidly, and we are looking forward to working with more amazing talents just like you.

As such, we offer competitive salaries, great incentives, and a friendly office environment, with various benefits such as year-end bonuses and company -paid travels semi-yearly.

We are currently looking for:

Location: Bangkok


  1. 对接销售团队,精准把控客户需求,独立或带领策划团队为客户或项目提供品牌传播方案、新媒体营销案、企业公关活动案等整合营销方案
  2. 指导初级策划专员完成方案、文案的撰写
  3. 配合销售团队完成提案,以及客户workshop
  4. 挖掘市场上各类营销资源,对其进行整合运用,定期撰写中国市场、行业、趋势、优秀案例等分析和分享
  5. 对公司业务、服务进行定期更新和优化,参与制定公司发展策略、新服务的开发
  6. 定期对初级策划专员及公司内部进行培训


  1. 2年以上广告、市场营销、公关行业策划经验,能独立完成整合营销方案。有管理经验者优先。
  2. 中国籍,能运用英文撰写方案,并能用英语或泰语与团队沟通。
  3. 曾经服务过国外品牌进入中国、中国品牌出海等跨境营销项目者优先。
  4. 善于沟通与部门间合作,有较强的责任心,能够在多任务、多语言环境下工作。
  5. 具备灵动的创意思维,逻辑性强。
  6. 有良好的信息处理能力、审美能力和文字功底。
  7. 试用期3个月,能力胜任者提供正规工作签证。
